This workshop is intended to be the meeting place for researchers, designers, test engineers and users of any space high power RF hardware. The aim is to share relevant information on the design and testing of high power RF hardware for the prevention of RF breakdown (Multipactor and Corona) and Passive Intermodulation.


The following topics reflect the main issues, which will be addressed during the workshop. Authors are encouraged to submit papers on topics they consider relevant, even if they are not explicitly mentioned below.

Multipactor breakdown
•  High power RF hardware design
•  Innovative testing techniques (facilities, detection methods, etc...)
•  Theoretical investigations in the multipactor physics
•  Surface coating and secondary emission: measurements and theory
•  Simulation and prediction tools
•  Multicarrier operation
•  Electron Cloud effects
•  Multipactor in Particle accelerators
•  Power and frequency trends
•  Harmonisation and standardisation
Corona breakdown
•  Pressurization (laser techniques, sealed equipment)
•  Innovative testing techniques (facilities, detection methods, etc...)
•  Theoretical investigations in the gas discharge physics
•  Simulation and prediction tools
•  Multicarrier Corona discharge
•  Ambient microwave discharge
•  Harmonisation and standardisation
Passive Intermodulation
•  Innovative testing techniques (facilities, detection methods, etc...)
•  Theoretical investigations in the PIM physics
•  Test beds implementation
•  Hardware design
•  Contact-less connectors and flanges
•  Simulation and prediction tools
•  Harmonisation and standardisation

Papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts of 300-500 words (no figures, references, nor equations) and may be submitted by e-mail (“subject” as MULCOPIM'2014) to:


The abstracts should explain clearly the content and relevance of the proposed contribution and should be submitted before 15 March 2014 based on the following structure:

•  Title of the paper
•  Author(s) name(s)
•  Affiliation
•  Summary of the paper (300-500 words)

Authors will be notified of the decision of the technical committee by 10 April 2014. Author(s) whose papers have been accepted will then receive instructions for the preparation of their full-length paper, due not later than 30 June 2014, for inclusion in the workshop proceedings.